Urban farmers and foresters face the effects of climate change

This Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Fellowship cohort creates a community of urban farmers, foresters and advisors who will learn about climate change adaptation and mitigation together.

This program is for urban farm and forest managers, and the advisors who work with them in New York City.

Program Goals

  • Provide geographically specific climate change information relevant to urban agriculture

  • Empower urban farmers, foresters, and agricultural advisors to become climate leaders in their communities through peer-to-peer learning

  • Create opportunities for farmers to create farm-specific climate adaptation and mitigation plans with support

  • Strengthen agricultural advisor knowledge and abilities in climate adaptation and mitigation planning

  • Support development of outreach and education products that reach farmers and agricultural advisors beyond the program

What do Fellows in this program do?

  • Work in farmer/service provider pairs throughout fellowship 

  • Receive climate change training and resources from subject matter experts

  • Build a community of other diversified agriculture and agroforestry practitioners and advisors who are concerned about and ready to address climate change. 

  • Learn how to create a farm-specific climate adaptation and mitigation plans 

  • Gain experience and confidence talking about climate change


To be notified when applications for this program are open, please sign up for our newsletter.

Have a question?

For more information about this program, contact Sara Kelemen at sara.kelemen@usda.gov