Farmer-led climate adaptation and mitigation education from the ground up
The original Climate Adaptation Fellowship curriculum was developed after a careful review of the literature on two relevant topics. First, our team investigated existing research on peer-to-peer learning among farmers and foresters; diffusion of best management practices; and how land-manager access to information may influence their management decisions.
Second, we cataloged and reviewed existing curricula targeted towards land managers and their advisors. We studied these curricula and interviewed their developers to determine what made these curricula successful, what their challenges were, how they used theory or pedagogy, and how they were evaluated.
Explore our existing curriculums
Each of the original Climate Adaptation Fellowship modules were designed for and by those with expertise in one of the following areas: vegetable and small fruit production, dairy production, tree fruit production, forestry. Explore the program module that works best for your operation.
New Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Fellowship modules are currently being developed, and will be available here once they have been peer reviewed. These modules include (1) diversified agriculture and agroforestry and (2) row crops.