Tree Fruit Curriculum Team


Glen Koehler | Project Co-PI, Tree Fruit Lead Author

Glen Koehler has directed the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Tree Fruit Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program since 1988. He served for 10 years as coordinating editor of the New England Tree Fruit Management Guide. Recognizing the critical impact of weather on orchard management decisions, for the past 23 years he has developed and operated Ag-Radar, an automated online system that translates observed and forecast hourly weather into apple pest and horticultural risk assessments and management advisories. Recently he became co-founder of AgEye Weather, a provider of high-resolution, real-time hourly weather data from the NOAA forecast and observation gridded weather databases used as the foundation for weather reports in the United States. Koehler added climate change coverage to his Extension work in 2012, developing presentations for tree fruit growers and the public.  In 2015, he helped establish the UMaine Climate and Agriculture Network.   


Jon Clements | Tree Fruit Team

Jon Clements has been an Extension Tree Fruit Specialist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst for 20 years where he has advised on sustainable production practices of apples, pears, peaches, and cherries including horticulture and pest management. Before that, he was a Michigan State University Berrien County Extension Horticulture Agent, and a research Technician at the University of Vermont where he received his M.S. in Plant and Soil Science. Clements is on the Board of Directors of the International Fruit Tree Association and is the Massachusetts State Coordinator for the Network for Environment and Weather Applications (NEWA). He also runs the University of Massachusetts RIMpro Advisory Service, a cloud-based disease and insect management decision support application for apples, pears, peaches, and grapes. He has long been an advocate for user-friendly, decision support applications to help Northeast orchardists make information-based integrated pest and crop management decisions.

Additional tree fruit team bios coming soon!