A Changing Climate for the Northeast’s Forests
In order to understand and interpret a lot of the climate change information that is available, we need to learn some of the basics about climate change. In this module, some of the underlying concepts and their associated terminology will be explained as participants explore climate change information and how climate is changing in the Northeast.
Forest Vulnerability in the Northeast
Participants will cover what a changing climate means for various ecosystem impacts to forests in the Northeast, and how this information can be taken into account in order to determine regional forest vulnerability to climate change.
Adapting Northeastern Forests to a Changing Climate
In this module, climate adaptation concepts for forestry and natural resource management will be covered, along with some of the common adaptation approaches managers are taking to reduce the risks posed by climate change in northeastern forests.
Talking about Climate Change
Integrating climate change information into forest management often means communicating to others why we are doing some of the things we are doing. In this module, learn some general approaches to keep in mind to help with talking about climate change with the general public.
A Focus on Urban Forests
Urban areas face most of the same climate pressures as our rural regions in the Northeast. But the concentration of infrastructure, impervious surfaces, and human influences on composition of the urban tree canopy make for some unique considerations for climate impacts, tree vulnerability, and adaptation responses in urban areas.
Additional Resources
A quick list of tools and training materials for special cases in forest resources.