Climate Change: Observations and Localized Impacts

In this session, participants will become familiar with basic climate science, the effects of climate change relevant to dairy production, and learn about adaptation practices that have the potential to reduce climate-related risk on dairy operations in the Northeastern United States.



Climate Change Communication: Challenges and Strategies

In this session, participants will become familiar with current research on challenges in climate communication, strategies for talking with farmers and services providers about climate impacts and adaptation, and will gain experience with science translation, specifically interpreting scientific matter into talking points for farming and/or Extension audiences.



Integrating Climate Change Into Your Work

In this session, participants will become familiar with activities that they can choose to complete in the outreach/demonstration section of the Adaptation Fellowship program, and they will work to plan the activities they would like to complete, either individually or in small groups.


Climate Change: Opportunities, Risks and Adaptation Tactics

During this session, participants will learn about climate adaptation options and tactics. The outline of the program is designed so participants leave with innovative ideas and possible ways they can build resilience into their operations.