Cost Benefit Analysis Guide

Each cost-benefit analysis will address a change in management strategy relevant to a farmer Fellow’s operation. This activity follows a “partial budget” format.



On-Farm Assessment

This guide is intended to be used by Fellows as they develop the ability to conduct an on-farm assessment specific to the risks and/or opportunities that a farm faces due to climate change and/or changing weather patterns. The approach is adapted from the USDA publication Adaptation Resources for Agriculture.



On-Farm Trials

This guide is to be used by Fellows as they conduct an on-farm trial. Through the trials, Fellows will assess various management practices. Practices should be selected based on the likelihood that they will decrease climate and/or weather related risks.



On-Farm Demonstrations

This guide will help Fellows conduct an on-farm demonstration. Demonstrations are used to assess and showcase a new management strategy. Alternatively, a demonstration can be a modification of the farm infrastructure or a change in an existing strategy. Demonstrations should be selected based on their ability to decrease risks associated with climate change and/or changing weather patterns.